Ignition Interlock Devices

The New Jersey Interlock Program

The state of New Jersey allows its drivers to regain some driving privileges with the installation of a breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID). In New Jersey, interlock devices need to be installed by an approved provider, and the driver is responsible for the cost of renting the device for the duration of its installation.

Specifics of the Program

As of 2024, New Jersey law requires that anyone convicted of a drunk driving (DWI) offense or refusing a breathalyzer test install an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) in their vehicle. The IID requires the driver to pass a breath alcohol content test before starting the vehicle. The device may also require the driver to submit samples at specific times or randomly, even while driving. 
The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) may also require an IID for first-time and repeat DUI offenders if their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was 0.05 or higher. A court may order an IID if the BAC was 0.15 or higher. 
Drivers must have the IID installed by the end of their license suspension period, but a court may order them to install it earlier. Drivers are responsible for all IID costs, including installation, monthly lease payments, service fees, and removal. They must also attend an Intoxicated Driver Program (IDP). 
Drivers who voluntarily install an IID before their charges are resolved may receive day-for-day credit towards their license suspension. Second and subsequent offenders may receive one day of credit for every two days the device is installed. 
Disabling an IID or blowing into someone else's IID to start their car is a disorderly persons offense.

What Happens if I Get a DWI in New Jersey?

New Jersey has tiered financial penalties for DWI offenders, along with community service requirements. Please note that persons who obtain an IID-notated license and are in good standing prior to the offense may be eligible for fine forgiveness. Here are the penalties for DWI:
First DWI Offense Second DWI Offense Third DWI Offense
  • Eligible for early install
  • License revoked for three months
  • Up to 30 days in prison
  • 12-48 hours of community service and courses via the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC)
  • Additional fines totaling up to $5,000 as ordered
  • Must install a breath alcohol ignition interlock device New Jersey approves
  • Eligible for early install
  • License revoked for two years
  • 48 hours to 90 days in prison
  • 30 days of community service
  • 12-48 hours of IDRC classes
  • Additional fines totaling up to $5,000 as ordered
  • Must install a breath alcohol ignition interlock device New Jersey approves
  • Eligible for early install
  • License revoked for 10 years
  • 180 days in prison
  • Up to 90 days of community service
  • 12-48 hours of IDRC classes
  • Additional fines totaling up to $5,000 as ordered
  • Must install a breath alcohol ignition interlock device New Jersey approves


What Happens if I Fail or Refuse to Take a Test in New Jersey?

Refusal to take a test also results in additional penalties, in some cases heavier penalties than a DWI might have:

First Refusal Second Refusal Third Refusal
  • License suspended for up to seven months
  • Fine from $300-500
  • License suspended for two years
  • Fine from $500-1,100
  • License suspended for 10 years
  • $1,000 fine


How Do I Get a Restricted Driver’s License in New Jersey

A temporary restricted license allows drivers to use their vehicle to get to and from work, medical appointments, treatment, school, and other meetings required by the court. In order to be eligible for a temporary restricted license must meet the following criteria:

  • Install a breath alcohol ignition interlock device or BAIID from an approved installer
  • Pay any appropriate fines and complete any necessary community service or treatment programs
  • Complete a program of 12-48 hours at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center
  • Pay any applicable fines to the drunk driving fund, Neighborhood Services Fund, Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Fund, and an additional surcharge for three years
  • Serve any applicable prison time
  • Complete alcohol screening and evaluation program
  • Share certification of installation with the Motor Vehicle Commission within 7 days of issuance to get an IID notation of their license.
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